AGV Systems

we offer customised solutions


Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) are essential for companies that want to get the most out of their production systems.

This system stands out for its ability to circulate in the industrial environment without the need for human intervention, able to manage and operate autonomously in harmony with other industrial elements (barriers, automatic doors, warehouses, self-loading points, workstations, etc.).

Our range of AGVs is fully customisable to meet the production needs of our clients and cover a wide range of functions such as transport, loading, handling and storage of production.



Advantages of installing our AGVs


The implementation of our automated guided vehicle (AGV) system provides a number of advantages over conventional transport and distribution systems:

More efficient transport of materials.
Process cost reduction.
Time optimisation = increased productivity.
Safety. Safe movement of loads, reducing labour accidents and damage to goods.
Customisation. Mechanical design and custom software programming for your project.